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Terms & Conditions Agreement

All dealings between 1 ACT and the Customer (Parents and Guardians of registered students) shall be governed by these terms and conditions which shall prevail over any others.



1.1 Payment for the program must be made in full prior to the commencement of the course.

1.2 Payment may be made by bank transfer or other forms of electronic payment.

1.3 Payment is non-refundable, except in the case of medical reasons or emergency situations, which must be presented to and approved by the 1 ACT Program Administrator.

1.4 If 1 ACT receives a Notice of Cancellation more than 48 hrs before the course's commencement, a refund of any course fees paid shall be given minus a 20$ + GST administration fee.

1.5 if the Customer wishes to cancel a booking, the Customer must notify 1 ACT in writing by e-mail (Subject 'Notice of Cancellation booking reference no: #####'). For the avoidance of doubt, the notice of cancellation will not be accepted by telephone. 


Safety and Health

2.1 The safety and well-being of our students is our top priority.

2.2 The 1 ACT program administrators will make every reasonable effort to ensure that the program facilities and activities are safe and appropriate for students.

2.3 Parents and guardians are responsible for disclosing any health issues or allergies their child may have that could affect their participation in the program.

2.3.1 Any undisclosed information directly related to a medical condition or omitted exceptionality may result in the participant being removed from the program and required to leave immediately. The fee for the course will be deducted, an administrative fee of 20$ plus GST, and a grace period of 20 mins will be granted for participant pick-up. In the event, you should surpass the 20mins grace time an additional 10$ fee will be deducted from the course balance for every 5mins past the grace period.

*Educational Assistants are available. Please contact us for more details. *



3.1 1 ACT program administrators, its staff and agents shall not be liable for any injury, loss or damage to person or property, incurred during this program, including deterioration of health or illness or aggravation of condition resulting from participation in these activities, property damage, or lost property. If at any time emergency medical treatment is necessary for the participant, I give my consent for treatment to be given. Every effort will be made to contact parent/guardian(s) and or emergency contacts.


Program Changes

4.1 The 1 ACT program administrators reserve the right to make changes to the program, including but not limited to, the course content, schedule, and location.

4.2 1 ACT program administrators will notify parents and guardians of any significant changes to the program as soon as possible.


Photography and Video

5.1 The 1 ACT program administrators reserve the right to take photographs and videos of the students for promotional and marketing purposes. If a picture or video of the participant is used a media release form will need to be completed. 

5.2 Parents and guardians who do not want their child's photograph or video to be taken must inform the 1 ACT program administrators in writing before the start of the program.



6.1 1 ACT program administrators will keep all personal information confidential and will not disclose any information to third parties without the express consent of the parents and guardians.

6.2 1 ACT We are committed to protecting the privacy of our customers and do not share or sell any of their information.

The privacy of our clients is of the utmost importance to us. A significant part of our success is the trust that our customers place in us. As such, we understand the importance of earning and protecting the trust of our clients. No outside companies will be able to access your personal information. Upon your consent, we share your personal information with the Lifesaving Society as required by our contractual agreement with these non-profit organizations.

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understood the above terms and conditions and agree to be bound by them.



Will this course prepare my child to be home alone?

Our course is designed to teach participants responsibility, independence, life skills, and community stewardship. Our program is not intended to advocate for leaving a child home alone. 

Our aim is to empower children with the skills and knowledge they need to become confident and self-reliant individuals. We believe that by teaching children responsibility and independence, we can help them make better decisions and prepare them for the challenges ahead.

At the same time, we recognize that every child is unique and has different needs and abilities. We encourage parents and guardians to use their best judgment and make decisions that are in the best interests of their child's safety and well-being.


We hope that this clarifies any misunderstandings and look forward to welcoming your child to our program. 

What age range is “Ready, Set, Start” designed for?

· 9-12years of age.


What topics will be covered in the course?

· Choose your own adventure: responsibility, routine, 

· Create your game plan: Safety in and out of the home. 

· Level up:  Leveling up the responsibility 


Will my child be taught how to handle emergencies and potentially dangerous situations?

· We provide basic first aid, fire safety, internet safety, and strangers among other subjects. 


How long is the course, and how many sessions will be held?

8am – 3pm ( 7hrs)


Will there be any hands-on practice or role-playing scenarios?



Will my child receive a certificate of completion at the end of the course?

We distribute a certificate of participation.


Are the instructors experienced in teaching this type of course?

Louise Cervi : Bilingual Licenced Montessori Casa Directress, Teacher at Colin Macdonald Community School.

Sonia Macaluso : Bilingual RECE, Certified Lifesaving Society Instructor, and Certified High Five Facilitator.


Will the instructors provide ongoing support and resources for both the child and parent after the course is completed?

Yes we have a parenting course 


Is there a minimum age requirement for children to participate in the course?

Ready, Set, Start 9-12 yrs

Parent: Support, Engage, Facilitate (parent/guardianship)

Building Blocks 13-16yrs

Standard First Aid (no set age)


Can the course be customized to fit the specific needs and concerns of my family?

· EA 

· homework questionnaire 


What are the course fees and payment options?

· Cash, transfer, or credit card.


Are there any discounts available for families? 

· Book Ready, Set, Start, and parent course together (20% off the parent class booking)

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